Please respect the environment.  Reduce waste and use this page for reference. There will be no print outs

Neil cell 403.809.3294  | Sean cell 403.993.7794  | Twitter @dgb_ca or use #IoMull2017

Hole Notes

All paths are Out of Bounds (OB) with 100% of the disc surrounded by pavement OR over the OB line.

All PDGA C-Tier Rules are in effect

  • No Two (2) Meter rule
  • 3 Minute rule is in effect for all lost discs.
  • Consumption of drugs and/or alcohol is prohibited
  • The General Public has the right of way
  • NO LITTERING! Pack Out what you Pack In … especially cigarette butts

Hole 1

  • All play from Tee-Box and have marked Mandatory Tree’s (between).
    • Drop Zone in front of Mando Tree’s
  • Juniors play from Tee-Pad throw to Basket 9
  • $$ – Long Putt Am’s – $50 Cash – Isle of Mull sponsor
  • $$ – Long Putt Pro’s – $50 Cash – Isle of Mull sponsor

Hole 2

  • Pro’s, Advanced, Intermediate play from Tee-Pad below path.
  • Novice play from regular Tee-Pad
  • Juniors play from marked Tee-Pad and throw to Basket 1

Hole 3 (Isle of Mull)

  • Pro’s and Advanced play from corner Tee-Pad and must land on island.  Drop Zone NE of Island
  • Novice and Intermediate play from normal Tee-Pad and must land on island.  Drop Zone NE of Island
  • Juniors play from 2 Tee-Pad and throw Basket 2

Hole 4

  • All play from Tee-Box and have marked Mandatory Tree (left).
    • Drop Zone beside Mando
  • Juniors play from Tee-Pad 3 throw to Basket 3 – No Island penalty

Hole 5

  • All play from Tee-Box
  • Juniors play from Tee-Pad 4 throw to Basket 4 and have marked Mandatory Tree (left)
    • Drop Zone beside Mando
  • $$ CTP – Everyone – A CTP Disc from Dynamic Discs

Hole 6

  • Mandatory – Through two boarded tree’s
  • All play from Tee-Box
  • Juniors play from Tee-Pad 5 throw to Basket 5

Hole 7

  • OB – Roped line beyond the basket
  • All play from Tee-Box
  • Juniors play from Tee-Pad 6 throw to Basket 6

Hole 8

  • All – OB along right hand fair way (tree line)
  • Pro’s – Round 1 – play from alternate Tee-Pad A (behind main Tee-Pad)
  • Pro’s – Round 2 – play from alternate Tee-Pad B (right of main Tee-Pad)
  • Pro’s – Round 3 – play from main Tee-Pad
  • Advanced and Intermediate – Round 1 play from main Tee-Pad
  • Advanced and Intermediate – Round 2 from alternate Tee-Pad B (right of main Tee-Pad)
  • Advanced and Intermediate – Round 3 play from main Tee-Pad
  • Novice – play from main Tee-Pad all three rounds
  • Juniors play from Tee-Pad 7 throw to Basket 7 (no OB)

Hole 9

  • All play from Tee-Box
  • Round 1 – Mando left with drop zone below Mando
  • Round 2 – Mando right with drop zone below Mando
  • Round 3 – Mando left with drop zone below Mando
  • Juniors play from Tee-Pad 8 throw to Basket 8 (OB on right)
    • The round is complete
  • $$ – Closest To the Pin Women – $50 Cash – Bridge City Gunners
  • $$ – Closest To the Pin  Am’s – $50 Cash – Bridge City Gunners

Hole 10

  • OBRoped Area
  • All play from Tee-Box
  • $$ – Closest To the Pin – Pro’s – $100 – Sponsor Murray Friesen

Hole 11

  • OBRoped Area
  • All play from Tee-Box

Hole 12

  • OB Roped Area
  • All play from Tee-Box
  • $$ – Long Drive – Women in the morning from The Disc Cellar
  • $$ – Long Drive – Women in the afternoon from The Disc Cellar
  • $$ – Long Drive – Men in the morning from The Disc Cellar
  • $$ – Long Drive – Men in the afternoon from The Disc Cellar

Hole 13

  • All play from Tee-Box

Hole 14

Hole 15

Hole 16

  • OBRoped Area in the middle of the field
  • All play from Tee-Box

Hole 16B

  • OBRoped Area in the middle of the field
  • All play from Tee-Box

Hole 17

  • OBRoped Area in the middle of the field
  • All play from Tee-Box
  • $$ Closest to the Claymore – $100 – Sponsor Harvey’s
  • $$ Long Drive – All Advanced – Sponsor Freshii

Hole 18

  • OBLeft of Roped line
  • All play from Tee-Box
  • $$ CTP – All Divisions – Sponsor Calgary Disc Golf Club
Tournament Page   Sponsor Awards